Closing in the virtual world is different than on a live stage. It is challenging. Below are 5 sample virtual closes. Select the one that fits you, your audience, and the time you have to speak.
Close #1: Virtual Raffle
This close is similar to a live raffle. On the live stage, you give something away for free and collect the attendee’s business cards. Pick a winner. And walk away with everyone’s contact information and drip market to them later.
When you do a raffle, on the live stage or the virtual arena, you want to give away something away of value. A gift certificate for 20% off of your services is not a gift. The gift needs to be a gift without attachment. For a virtual raffle, you could give your book away as a pdf or kindle. If your audience is local, then you might mail a book. Take a few minutes to show and talk about your gift and the value of it.
How do you get your audiences email address and do a raffle virtually? Ask your audience to email you to receive their free gift. Give them a few minutes, then go to your email on your phone, scroll and pick a winner. If you do not have your email on your phone, then go to your email on your desktop or laptop and have someone pick a number, from 1 to 10. Whoever has the number is the winner.
Close #2: Strategy Session to a Small Group
This virtual close is designed to pull out the hot leads like a magnet. Say, “You are all winners for being here today.” I would like to talk with anyone who wants more information and wants a one-on-one 30-minute strategy session with me, valued at $150. I will put my calendar information in the chat, and you can pick a time that works for you.” Using this approach, you will attract 5 or 6 hot leads. This close does not get you everyone’s email address but it is a more direct route to clients.
Close #3: Live Link Free Giveaway
Another close is to send them to a landing page where they register for a free gift. Describe your giveaway. For example, “Grab my free magnetic closing script. You can find it at arveerobinson.com/freeclosingscript. Go ahead and grab it. The value is worth $197. It is going to give you a step-by-step process, the words, and the persuasive language to use to help you get more people to take action. Go and grab that right now.” Be sure to type the live link in the chat box. Remember a live link must have the http:// or https:// in the link. If you need help, ask one of the helpers to put the link in the chat. Also, have the live link printed on your PowerPoint.
Close #4: Gift for All
If you are not raffling off one item, you might say… “You’re all winners. I want to give everyone a pdf copy of my book. All you need to do is email me at arvee@arveerobinson.com and put Book Please in the subject line. And after this meeting I will email it to you.”
When speaking online less people will take advantage of your offer than in person. Recently, I spoke to a group of 99 people on a virtual event and only 25 people of them took advantage of my offer. This could be due to the fact that people could be multitasking, and they may miss your close altogether.
Close #5: Money Close
This close is where you sell something. Virtual selling is different from selling from the live platform. You must build a ton of value. You need to add bonuses too. Raise the value and drop the price dramatically from what you would have sold it from a live stage. It is harder to sell from the virtual stage but not impossible. Keep practicing a see what works for your products and services, your audience, and your speech.
When presenting your close, it is best to use PowerPoint so everyone can see what is included in your program, including the value, bonuses, guarantee, and any discounts. Some speakers are using COVID as a reason for the discount. People in your audience may need what you have, but because of the uncertainty they are unsure. But you can offer big discounts that can make it easier for them to say yes and take immediate action.
State the value and then make sure you have a link where they can buy from. You must have a live link. Make sure it is on your PowerPoint. As you start your close, type the live link into the chat.
If you do not have a system that takes credit cards, you can use PayPal. In fact, you can use paypal.me where it takes any amount. If you have a small group that knows you well, then I have done this where I have offered my $4k speaker training as a special spin off product. I say, “I’m creating a new product, Create Your Speech in A Weekend. There is no website. It is a 2-day event. It’s $997, and if you want in , then text me now at xxx-xxx-xxxx and I will call you back and get you registered with your credit card.” I sold six spots. I put my phone number in the chat and then call them and take credit card information over the phone. That works great for a group of people who know you.
There are other payment systems you can use such as, Venmo, Stripe, and Square. If you are going to take money, you need a professional merchant account. Direct Pay is set up for speakers and coaches and consultants.
Bottom line, do not let anything get in your way to serve people within the means that you have. There are simple solutions that you can use to make the sale and take the money.
For more information, watch this video