Why You Need Continuous Speaking Improvement


The speaking world has changed as we’ve moved online. With the virtual stage, you need to know how to operate on the virtual platform. It’s more than bringing your energy up… although that is good and important.

In addition, there are several other dynamics and factors you need to consider. Your equipment, lighting, sound, and background are key to address properly. In the video I cover it all.

It’s no longer just about the presentation and speaking technique. In the live world, there are many things you cannot control and your hosts are directing the show. At home, however, you are not only the presenter, but you are the producer.

You have to show up, and be well presented. I’m covering how you can bring your best self forward using technology, the latest trends in virtual training and lead generation.

Ready to enhance your virtual speaking skills?

You’ll learn everything you need to know to become a million dollar speaker at our upcoming summit. In the Million Dollar Speaker Summit Arvee is teaching state of the art “must know” speaker tools and techniques to generate leads and close from the virtual stage.

The virtual stage is the new normal. Speakers must adapt or get left behind. Even though we’ve gone virtual, you have tremendous opportunity to grow your visibility and be a highly sought-after speaker.

About the author 

Arvee Robinson

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